Author: Stonecoast Admin

Staff Spotlight: Adam Rodriquez-Dunn

Staff Spotlight: Adam Rodriquez-Dunn

Student Spot­light Adam Rodriquez-Dunn What do you write? Stories. At least, that’s what I need to tell myself in order to write anything—fiction, non­fic­tion, screen­play, even dabs of poetry. It all comes back to writing some sort of story in some sort of fashion in which…

Lotus Eater

Lotus Eater

POETRY By Shannon Marzel­la Brook­lyn, you were a hot mouth of wolf- hunger. Those nights, you ate me whole, ribs & every­thing, then spit out an acidic sunrise–orange blis­ters split and cack­ling, or maybe it was you pouring laugh­ter, filthy and bright. I forgot every­thing but the cross painted…

The Tomato Fields

The Tomato Fields

POETRY By Michael Rogner I have basil burst­ing bodies emerg­ing garlic sig­nal­ing the under­ground life has life left tomato vines strain­ing while the asshole jays poke holes in every fruit we all want the toma­toes inside us we harvest seeds in barrels feed them to clouds left…

What Nobody Told Us About Sex After the Baby

What Nobody Told Us About Sex After the Baby

POETRY By Tamara Kreutz When my hand finally braves the wilder­ness between my legs, I find its oasis gone —dry, a desert, and despite the distant thun­der­ing inside me, no rain will fall upon this dry earth. Our daugh­ter has sucked me to deple­tion, but you ask…

Staff Spotlight: Julie Guerra

Staff Spotlight: Julie Guerra

What do you write? I write mostly non­fic­tion, usually short essays.    Is there an author or artist who has most pro­found­ly influ­enced your work? I read Marc Hamer’s memoir How to Catch a Mole at the right time and the right place. The book felt like…

After Reading Patricia Smith’s Top Tips: Ten Things About Poetry

After Reading Patricia Smith’s Top Tips: Ten Things About Poetry

POETRY By Summer Hardinge When she writes, Ya need dogs for company, I almost feel as if I need to own one. As a child, I could tame any ram­bunc­tious pup, wild cat, or tena­cious pony. Some­thing like an empa­thet­ic nerve. The dogs in my neigh­bor­hood sense it,…



POETRY By Stephanie Kirby Each birth brings the body closer to death: a birthing body splits like rot, equal in burden to falling trees. Its weight: almost leaf­less.  There is nothing left except a tree in decline, housing life. This anatomy is not so different:…

Staff Spotlight: Nychelle Schneider

Staff Spotlight: Nychelle Schneider

What do you write? I write popular fiction, poetry, and analog game design. Is there an author or artist who has most pro­found­ly influ­enced your work? Authors who elevate BIPOC voices, such as Pam Pun­za­lan, a ttrpg game devel­op­er and author. Why did you choose Stonecoast for your MFA? Stonecoast helps me…

Without Metaphor

Without Metaphor

POETRY By Summer Hardinge tomor­row we will meet the horses/ after they have run the fields can­tered around us /nudged / this is not a war poem/ we use soft ropes/ drape shoul­ders and withers/ coax them in/ they will not halter for this/ is not a…

Staff Spotlight: Lea Smith

Staff Spotlight: Lea Smith

What do you write? If I don’t reg­u­lar­ly put pen to paper−or fingers to keys−all the frag­ments of stories and ideas would come spilling out on unsus­pect­ing passers­by.  In all seri­ous­ness, I have written in some way, shape, or form since I was very young. I…