Author: Stonecoast Admin

O Death, Won’t You Spare Me

O Death, Won’t You Spare Me

GENRE FICTION By Jennie Evenson  My mama’s singing had power. Real power. She’d start every song with a low round note, then slide it upward to a high lone­some sound and hold it there, letting it shiver against her ribs, before she sent the note…

Toy Surprise

Toy Surprise

FICTION By Dina Cox The toy sur­prise at the bottom of the cereal box turned out not to be a fidget spinner or packet of magic markers, or minia­tur­ized plastic batting helmet, but a message in a bottle, a very small bottle, for­mer­ly a bottle containing…



DRAMATIC WORK by Serena Norr CHARACTERS BEN: 25, Dreams to work at Stocked, HQ MAC: 55, CEO of Stocked, HQ BETTY: 30, Stocked Mom, College Student, Best Friend, etc. Assumes all roles and easily con­firms to fit any part at Stocked, HQ 2–3 VARIOUS PEOPLE:…

How to Do Sirsasana (Headstand)

How to Do Sirsasana (Headstand)

CREATIVE NONFICTION By Rachael Hanel You’ll need strength to do this. * You see the bodies around you, beau­ti­ful in their power, the way legs float effort­less­ly up into the air and achieve sir­sasana, head­stand, for many breaths. You want that power and beauty, too. *…

Third Shift

Third Shift

POETRY By Kellam Ayres He sits shotgun in the car he’d sold to Maris for a dollar while she drives him to the hos­pi­tal. It’s spring­time. He holds a dish­tow­el dark with blood between his hands. Watch­ing a pair of car­di­nals, he’d shat­tered a coffee mug on the…



FICTION By Jane Snyder What kind of world was it, Dave won­dered, where a woman could put herself above a man? He was ready for this one. “Whoa there, Sis,” he said when he felt her hand cup his gen­i­tals under the jump­suit. “You play, you pay.” She…

Stonecoast Review Submissions Are Open

Stonecoast Review Submissions Are Open

Sub­mis­sions for Stonecoast Review Issue 19 are now open, and will close on October 1st. Reminder that we accept: Lit­er­ary fiction. Genre fiction. Non­fic­tion.  Poetry.  Dra­mat­ic works.  Visual Art. You can read our full sub­mis­sion guide­lines here. We look forward to reading your work. Photo by Luke Southern.

Stonecoast Review Submissions Open August 1st

Stonecoast Review Submissions Open August 1st

Sub­mis­sions for Stonecoast Review Issue 19 will open on August 1st. Reminder that we accept: Lit­er­ary fiction. Genre fiction. Non­fic­tion.  Poetry.  Dra­mat­ic works.  Visual Art. You can read our full sub­mis­sion guide­lines here. We look forward to reading your work.

More about Issue 19…

More about Issue 19…

Thirty-three tal­ent­ed poets, drama­tists, writers, and artists came togeth­er and made Issue 19 a reality. Read their works in Stonecoast Review Issue 19, now avail­able for pur­chase from local book­seller Kelly’s Books to Go.     Yael Valen­cia Aldana is a Caribbean Afro-Latinx writer and poet.…



POETRY By Luke Johnson and Megan Mer­chant For I,   I thought of you and bullets and the husk of ruin we are feeding our chil­dren, saying swallow, it will make you strong, in the end, but I know. When I sat the other day with…