Author: Stonecoast Admin



Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA View­points Visual Art by Mark Hur­tubise Visual Art MARK HURTUBISE. During the 1970s, numer­ous works were pub­lished. Then family, two college pres­i­den­cies and a com­mu­ni­ty foun­da­tion CEO. After four decades, he is cre­at­ing again from the…

Only Our Shadows Know

Only Our Shadows Know

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Only Our Shadows KnowRe­sized & 6245 Visual Art by Jack Bor­d­nick Visual Art JACK BORDNICK. “My sculp­tur­al and digital pho­tog­ra­phy imagery is a reflec­tion of my past and present forces and the imag­i­na­tion of my life’s stories.…



Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA GLORY Dra­mat­ic Works By Gillian Britt Setting:                                    America. At Rise:                                    A line across the middle of the stage. An empty chair on one side of it. Black­out. A woman is stand­ing in front of the chair when…



Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Teams Fiction By Summer Hammond             “Are you using an exter­nal camera?”             “I’m not.” Maureen grits her teeth. She clicks things and jabs keys. God, whyyy? She checked last night and…

Who, How Many Did He Erase

Who, How Many Did He Erase

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Who, How Many Did He Erase Poetry By Mia Dyson MIA DYSON was born to a British father and a German mother. She earned a BA from Tufts Uni­ver­si­ty in Inter­na­tion­al Rela­tions and a BS in Nursing from…

Dear Jordan

Dear Jordan

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Dear Jordan, Who’s About to Punch Me In The Face On My Last Day In the After­school Program Poetry By James Daniels I just want it sharp this time— not quick, just knuck­les digging into my cheek­bone. Maybe even…

Frosted Glass

Frosted Glass

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Frosted Glass Fiction By Oona McP­hear­son The sky was flat. And white. It looked like frosted glass. Adaline had always hated frosted glass. It was so very cheap, only ever used in mall bath­rooms and ugly hotels;…



Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Sanc­tu­ary Fiction By JJ Amaworo Wilson On May 8, 1902, a sailor named Matteo di Bat­tista watches from a ship off the coast of Mar­tinique as a cat­a­stro­phe unfolds. Mont Pelée erupts. A cloud of red ash…

Shannon Bowring Interview

Shannon Bowring Interview

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA A Stonecoast Reunion Aaron Ham­burg­er in Con­ver­sa­tion with Shannon Bowring Cre­ative Non-Fiction Stonecoast alumna and former Stonecoast Review Editor-in-Chief Shannon Bowring is the author of The Road to Dalton and the newly released Where the Forest…

A Very Nice Fire

A Very Nice Fire

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA A Very Nice Fire Dra­mat­ic Works By Matthew Moore “When one burns one’s bridges, what a very nice fire it makes.”   ~ Dylan Thomas   Char­ac­ters   Claire, 30’s Anne, 30’s Gillian, 20’s   Setting:  A Living Room, Sunset…