Author: Stonecoast Admin

The Path of the Spine

The Path of the Spine

FICTION By Erin Jourdan Ksjhe was trying to sleep but the smoke from the fires was every­where. He went to his com­put­er and tried to appease it by typing fire, fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire into the box. I see you. I…



POETRY By Tatiana Retivov There is a country where my voice must hold its daily reck­on­ing and ques­tion this alle­giance to the spirit of the cross­roads who has scat­tered what remains too hor­ri­ble for lan­guage and placed a skull over a stump to guard his wretched bound­aries. I…

Old Things

Old Things

CREATIVE NONFICTION by Rina Palumbo  I see myself walking on hard-packed snow, from the fields and towards the river. It is over­cast and just before sunset, only shades of grey above and white below. I see myself walking in a black coat with the hood…

My Mom Cheats at Scrabble

My Mom Cheats at Scrabble

POETRY By Jason Kahler Not on purpose. She makes the house payment one week and makes the same mort­gage payment the next week. Words come harder now, like the wood of the Scrab­ble tiles but less glossy. The rules slip away: no con­trac­tions, no proper…

The End of Society

The End of Society

DRAMATIC WORK   by Ben Scran­ton Syn­op­sis When an African-Amer­i­­can woman submits an unusual piece of orig­i­nal art to a show whose theme is ‘The End of Society as We Know It’ debate ensues between the white arts admin­is­tra­tor and the artist.  They nav­i­gate a treacherous…

“if I leave my dad will too,” “she, perihelion,” “hatshepsut”

“if I leave my dad will too,” “she, perihelion,” “hatshepsut”

POETRY by Dina Folgia   if I leave my dad will too   hands clutch­ing bitter hand                               mis­er­able cal­lous­es   wrench­ing plugs from sockets …



FICTION by Midge Raymond She’s stand­ing in line at the reg­is­tra­tion table when she sees him, two writers ahead. Sun-spritzed brown hair, strong hands. A hint of crow’s feet indi­cat­ing he’s maybe fortysome­thing. No wedding ring. When he leans over the table to sign a…

Anhinga Dawn

Anhinga Dawn

VISUAL ART By W. Goodwin This image orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 17.

Staff Spotlight: Jillian Rodseth

Staff Spotlight: Jillian Rodseth

Jillian Rodseth grew up in Bureau Junc­tion, Illi­nois, a tiny town sur­round­ed by rail­roads and canals, hills and ditches, rivers and ponds. She now lives in a 1800s era utopia on the prairie. She teaches English, directs theater, and writes fiction, poetry, and drama. She…

Social Soliloquy

Social Soliloquy

DRAMATIC WORK by James Menges   Syn­op­sis: A digital ren­di­tion of Hamlet’s solil­o­quy “To be or not to be” per­formed as a con­tem­po­rary group text chat.    Staging Notes: This is an exper­i­men­tal play with a dance element. There is only one spoken line in the…