Author: Stonecoast Admin

the tree trimmer

the tree trimmer

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA The Tree Trimmer Cre­ative Non-Fiction By Tammy Dela­torre He died in a tree at the end of our street. I didn’t know his name, but I learned of his death on my evening walk, when the air…

Foreman Lopez

Foreman Lopez

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Foreman Lopez Poetry By Dennis Cum­mings When they came, Tomás Lopez, the green­house foreman, sliced through the poly­eth­yl­ene siding with pruning shears, was caught in the canyon below the airport  five miles nearer the ocean. In two hours he…



Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Home Poetry By Brooke Harries In slow heat inside, fan whirls can­dle­light. I watch a film and fold cloth­ing. Think like a poem thinks. Lately nothing blooms. The stairs shake. A neigh­bor triple-checks their lock. It makes my door…

Need to know basis

Need to know basis

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Need to know basis Poetry By Emma Shep­pard I’ll tell you that my legs were swing­ing off the exam table. But it was an MRI machine and I don’t know how to phrase that. And I’m six feet…

Safety and the Human Condition

Safety and the Human Condition

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Safety and the Human Con­di­tion Visual Art by Alek­san­dra Scepanovic Visual Art ALEKSANDRA SCEPANOVIC’s journey to sculp­ture began in social­ist Yugoslavia in the 1980s. Her pro­fes­sion­al path tra­versed the realms of archae­ol­o­gy, war zones during the…

Empty Mirror — The Rapture

Empty Mirror — The Rapture

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Empty Mirror Visual Art by Jaina Cipri­ano Visual Art JAINA CIPRIANO is a pho­tog­ra­ph­er, design­er and film­mak­er explor­ing reli­gious and roman­tic entrap­ment. Her second short film, ‘Trauma Bond’ is a dreamy, coming of age thriller that explores…

With Dogs

With Dogs

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA With Dogs Visual Art by Porsche Jones Visual Art Porsche Jones is an artist, writer, and pho­tog­ra­ph­er living in Man­ches­ter, New Hamp­shire. She has exhib­it­ed her work all over the world.  She can be found online at…

A Doll’s Fingerprints

A Doll’s Fingerprints

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA A Doll’s Fin­ger­prints Fiction By Eliz­a­beth Kirschn­er At first, my husband Lou was akin to a saint carried in a pro­ces­sion. Back then, I didn’t know how to occupy the dark, espe­cial­ly when it was stretched out.…

A Life of No Experience

A Life of No Experience

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA A Life of No Expe­ri­ence Popular Fiction By Jordan Marie McCaw Sarah gazed out the window of her room to watch the cars drive on the highway. The road was a thin black ribbon miles away from her.…

This Haunting Red

This Haunting Red

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA This Haunt­ing Red Dra­mat­ic Works By Mitchell Hart­croft Cast of Char­ac­ters:   LUKE RAMIREZ               a haggard yet mild-man­nered man in cheap clothes. JOANNE ROWLETTE     a psy­chol­o­gist with too many unread books…