Author: Stonecoast Admin

Colloquy for the States

Colloquy for the States

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Col­lo­quy For The States-after Archibald MacLeish (1939) Poetry By Nina Bar­u­fal­di There’s talk, says Illi­nois    There’s always talk, says Alaska    There’s talk on the east wind, says Illi­nois    Talk about what? says South…

This is the Place

This is the Place

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA This is the Place Mul­ti­me­dia by Z! Hauke­ness and Ali Brooks Mul­ti­me­dia Water­col­or by Ali Brooks Poem written and read by Z! Hauke­ness This is the place where I under­stood mag­no­lia trees mir­rored the beauty on my insides. And…

Why I Became a Physician

Why I Became a Physician

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Why I Became a Physi­cian Poetry By Natalie Marino Because there were no magpies in the ark.   Because there was nothing new at the zoo.   Because the iris I held wilted in Sep­tem­ber.   Because I…

Brother in the Bardo

Brother in the Bardo

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Brother in the Bardo Poetry By Cynthia Bargar You on your porch-perch lookout, Quincy Bay  & what will they do with your eyes, blue-green-grey  like mine & don’t tell me they scoop them with a spoon.  Your undertaker,…

I Read the Chapter Where Charlotte Dies

I Read the Chapter Where Charlotte Dies

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA I Read the Chapter Where Char­lotte Dies Poetry By Andrea Krause while waiting for the biopsy results. The book­mark is idling there for us, untime­ly, in the worn copy; it’s almost bedtime, so we open our ritual…

Leaving Beirut 5

Leaving Beirut 5

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Leaving Beirut 5 Poetry By Elmaz Abi­nad­er Sit on the ambu­lance floor, rubber mat rutting your legs. Cradle your daugh­ter lifted into your arms when your husband called, you ran ran ran    The day was hot,…



Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Recife Poetry By Ruth Mota In Recife, million-strong metrop­o­lis that points its Brazil­ian nose at Africa, on an avenue named for a famous baron so rich he owned eight sugar cane plan­ta­tions, so impor­tant his name­sake links…

NIGHT in Capitola

NIGHT in Capitola

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA NIGHT in Capi­to­la Poetry By Jessica Cohn SCENE. The dark side of the ocean. Horizon and heaven, in their usual posi­tions. A rounded moon, strick­en white. Stars, like bright tacks. The water, con­fess­ing over and over…



Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Carnage Poetry By Richard Hamil­ton on days I spent looking for man’s bronzed, ashy ankles. In the dark, some­place to put my nose again. God­heads  don’t wrench meat from hal­lowed jaws, or worse, lace the…

Dear Rosa Luxemburg

Dear Rosa Luxemburg

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Dear Rosa Lux­em­burg Poetry By Richard Hamil­ton In his lith­o­graph, The Mar­tyr­dom Beck­mann renders a boozy spec­ta­cle, Batter in a basin, your body. Can you picture man in dowdy dress? Pocket pro­tec­tors sullied by death. Splayed like a punctured…