Dramatic Work

Why Ain’t a Grape a Berry? The Colored Thespian Complex When Progress Gets Hairy

Why Ain’t a Grape a Berry? The Colored Thespian Complex When Progress Gets Hairy

DRAMATIC WORK by Ayvaunn Penn CHARACTER NAME, BRIEF DESCRIPTION, AGE, GENDER   PROF. BLACK: A Black uni­ver­si­ty edu­ca­tor 35+ Any   PROF. WHITE: A White uni­ver­si­ty edu­ca­tor 40+ Any   PROF. BENTON: A Latinx uni­ver­si­ty edu­ca­tor 40+ Any   PROF. HALLOW: A uni­ver­si­ty edu­ca­tor. Any Race. 40+ Any …



DRAMATIC WORK by Serena Norr CHARACTERS BEN: 25, Dreams to work at Stocked, HQ MAC: 55, CEO of Stocked, HQ BETTY: 30, Stocked Mom, College Student, Best Friend, etc. Assumes all roles and easily con­firms to fit any part at Stocked, HQ 2–3 VARIOUS PEOPLE:…

A Soft Place to Land

A Soft Place to Land

DRAMATIC WORK By Emma Watkins   A man stands among several play­sets. A play kitchen. A play school. A play vet­eri­nar­i­an. A play pizze­ria and food deliv­ery stand. None of them come above his waist.    ARTHUR: I make little worlds. I’m less inter­est­ed in big ones.…

Belief Me

Belief Me

DRAMATIC WORK By Gregory Von Dare A ten-minute sci-fi comedy about serious stuff.   CAST: TODD: A nerdy guy in his mid-30s. Average height and build. Kind of an annoy­ing voice. GINNY:  She is ath­let­ic and moves with the fluid grace of a dancer. Early 20s. Excited…

Mouth Stuff

Mouth Stuff

DRAMATIC WORK   By KJ Stewart A play­ground. Recess. FOUGLAS (pro­nounced like“Douglas”) kicking wood chips around. CLEMENTINE under a slide pre­tend­ing to be a cat. FOUGLAS throws a wood chip at her. CLEMENTINE: That hurts. FOUGLAS: It’s because I like you. I found a Mouth in the Woods.…

The End of Society

The End of Society

DRAMATIC WORK   by Ben Scran­ton Syn­op­sis When an African-Amer­i­­can woman submits an unusual piece of orig­i­nal art to a show whose theme is ‘The End of Society as We Know It’ debate ensues between the white arts admin­is­tra­tor and the artist.  They nav­i­gate a treacherous…

Social Soliloquy

Social Soliloquy

DRAMATIC WORK by James Menges   Syn­op­sis: A digital ren­di­tion of Hamlet’s solil­o­quy “To be or not to be” per­formed as a con­tem­po­rary group text chat.    Staging Notes: This is an exper­i­men­tal play with a dance element. There is only one spoken line in the…



by Amy Martin This story orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 17.   BOUNTY A rural road some­where in the Amer­i­can South or Midwest in a not-too-distant future. From BLACK, sound of a SIREN, then cop cher­ries flash. A teenage girl in a field hockey uniform appears…