


FICTION By Jane Snyder What kind of world was it, Dave won­dered, where a woman could put herself above a man? He was ready for this one. “Whoa there, Sis,” he said when he felt her hand cup his gen­i­tals under the jump­suit. “You play, you pay.” She…

The Childe Gordon Report

The Childe Gordon Report

FICTION By Chris Daly 1. Pre­lim­i­nary Report, with notes and “eyes-only” mate­r­i­al, includ­ing  recov­ered com­mu­ni­ca­tions, from the days prior to the inci­dent which has  come to the atten­tion of so many, sub­mit­ted by Sr. Vol­un­teer Patrol Officer  Childe Gordon, BS Crim­i­nal Justice Theory, BA English Lit, Bonito…

LaVelle’s Heart

LaVelle’s Heart

FICTION By Michael Oatman and Jackson Smith Because every brother man’s life is like swing­ing the dice, right?   Pearson stretched out at the hos­pi­tal picnic table. His eyes forward. His hair slicked back. His new heart pumping, pumping, pumping. He had done well over this handful…

War Birds

War Birds

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Maine War Birds Fiction By Jen­nifer Lee GI Joe 1945  The trucks parade down Con­sti­tu­tion Avenue. I have prac­ticed the steely glint in my eye, holding my beak par­al­lel to the horizon…

The Path of the Spine

The Path of the Spine

FICTION By Erin Jourdan Ksjhe was trying to sleep but the smoke from the fires was every­where. He went to his com­put­er and tried to appease it by typing fire, fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire into the box. I see you. I…



FICTION by Midge Raymond She’s stand­ing in line at the reg­is­tra­tion table when she sees him, two writers ahead. Sun-spritzed brown hair, strong hands. A hint of crow’s feet indi­cat­ing he’s maybe fortysome­thing. No wedding ring. When he leans over the table to sign a…

Death Became Them

Death Became Them

By Terence Patrick Hughes  Plenty of folks in town had died at all ages and all times of day or night, some grue­some, some passive, and every one of them referred to after­ward as having been ‘too good’ or ‘too young’, or on rare occasions…