Issue 19

Driving with Janis Joplin

Driving with Janis Joplin

CREATIVE NONFICTION By Amy Schein­er You’re with me on those summer days, all the windows down and the moon roof open, the sun strong enough to warm our skin but not so strong as to blind us. Your kalei­do­scop­ic bracelets reach­ing from wrist to elbow…

O Death, Won’t You Spare Me

O Death, Won’t You Spare Me

GENRE FICTION By Jennie Evenson  My mama’s singing had power. Real power. She’d start every song with a low round note, then slide it upward to a high lone­some sound and hold it there, letting it shiver against her ribs, before she sent the note…

Toy Surprise

Toy Surprise

FICTION By Dina Cox The toy sur­prise at the bottom of the cereal box turned out not to be a fidget spinner or packet of magic markers, or minia­tur­ized plastic batting helmet, but a message in a bottle, a very small bottle, for­mer­ly a bottle containing…



DRAMATIC WORK by Serena Norr CHARACTERS BEN: 25, Dreams to work at Stocked, HQ MAC: 55, CEO of Stocked, HQ BETTY: 30, Stocked Mom, College Student, Best Friend, etc. Assumes all roles and easily con­firms to fit any part at Stocked, HQ 2–3 VARIOUS PEOPLE:…

How to Do Sirsasana (Headstand)

How to Do Sirsasana (Headstand)

CREATIVE NONFICTION By Rachael Hanel You’ll need strength to do this. * You see the bodies around you, beau­ti­ful in their power, the way legs float effort­less­ly up into the air and achieve sir­sasana, head­stand, for many breaths. You want that power and beauty, too. *…

Third Shift

Third Shift

POETRY By Kellam Ayres He sits shotgun in the car he’d sold to Maris for a dollar while she drives him to the hos­pi­tal. It’s spring­time. He holds a dish­tow­el dark with blood between his hands. Watch­ing a pair of car­di­nals, he’d shat­tered a coffee mug on the…