Issue 21

Troubled by the News

Troubled by the News

Trou­bled by the News Visual Art by Dave Sims Visual Art This image orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 21. Face­book Twitter Enve­lope Link

Watery Words

Watery Words

Watery Words Visual Art by Amy Marques Visual Art This image orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 21. Face­book Twitter Enve­lope Link

Peacock Color

Peacock Color

Peacock Color Visual Art by Katie Hugh­banks Visual Art This image orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 21. Face­book Twitter Enve­lope Link

Colloquy for the States — after Archibald MacLeish (1939)

Colloquy for the States — after Archibald MacLeish (1939)

Col­lo­quy For The States ‑after Archibald MacLeish (1939) Mul­ti­me­dia by Nina Bar­u­fal­di Mul­ti­me­dia Read by Nina Bar­u­fal­di   There’s talk, says Illi­nois There’s always talk, says Alaska There’s talk on the east wind, says Illi­nois Talk about what? says South Dakota, says Kansas, says Arkansas…

Woman with Chair

Woman with Chair

Woman with Chair Visual Art by Paul Rabi­nowitz Visual Art This image orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 21. Face­book Twitter Enve­lope Link

Veteran of Venice Beach

Veteran of Venice Beach

Veteran of Venice Beach Visual Art by Jim Ross Visual Art This image orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 21. Face­book Twitter Enve­lope Link

Who Will Save Us

Who Will Save Us

Who Will Save Us Visual Art by Juan­juan Hen­der­son Visual Art This image orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 21. Face­book Twitter Enve­lope Link

Everything was Stories

Everything was Stories

Every­thing was Stories Dra­mat­ic Works Listen to Ponyboi read Every­thing was Stories as you follow along.    This story orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 21. Support local book­sellers and inde­pen­dent pub­lish­ers by order­ing a print copy of the mag­a­zine. Photo by Gary Yost     Face­book Twitter Envelope…

Why I Became a Physician

Why I Became a Physician

Why I Became a Physi­cian Poetry By Natalie Morino Because there were no magpies in the ark.   Because there was nothing new at the zoo.   Because the iris I held wilted in Sep­tem­ber.   Because I was one for sorrow and lonely as a lark. …

Brother in the Bardo

Brother in the Bardo

Brother in the Bardo Poetry By Cynthia Bargar You on your porch-perch lookout, Quincy Bay & what will they do with your eyes, blue-green-grey like mine & don’t tell me they scoop them with a spoon. Your under­tak­er, herding me to the special room— it couldn’t be…