Issue 22



Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Sheltered&The Cove Visual Art by Donna Vitucci Visual Art DONNA D. VITUCCI has been pub­lish­ing since 1990. She lives in North Car­oli­na, where she enjoys reading and writing, yoga, hiking, cooking and gar­den­ing. Dozens of her…

Watch the Hemline

Watch the Hemline

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Watch the Hemline I — III Visual Art by Heather Newton Brown Visual Art HEATHER NEWTON BROWN is a mixed media encaus­tic artist resid­ing on the Wabana­ki ter­ri­to­ry of Casco, Maine. “As a cre­ative, I use my…

Mother Cries

Mother Cries

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Mother Cries Visual Art by Michelle Scar­lett Visual Art MICHELLE SCARLETT is a Down East paper­mak­er in Bai­leyville, Maine who uses sketch­books and jour­nals to craft in the mediums of paper­mak­ing, print­mak­ing, and book arts. Michelle…

Bella’s Bedroom After the Fire

Bella’s Bedroom After the Fire

Stonecoast Review The Lit­er­ary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA Bella’s Bedroom After the Fire Visual Art by Jeff Ronci Visual Art JEFF RONCI, a working visual artist and artist since 1983, has seen his work pub­lished in the New York Times, Wash­ing­ton Post, Miami Herald, Forbes, The…