Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight: Dinah McCahan

Staff Spotlight: Dinah McCahan

Staff Spot­light Dinah McCahan Dinah McCahan lives in Col­orado, and enjoys skiing and boul­der­ing.  What do you write?  To be honest, I’m still fig­ur­ing it out! I grav­i­tate towards genre fiction, but I’m always excited to try out dif­fer­ent forms.  Is there an author or artist who…

Staff Spotlight: Jeanne Lawson

Staff Spotlight: Jeanne Lawson

Staff Spot­light Jeanne Lawson Jeanne Lawson makes her home on the coast in Down East Maine and con­sid­ers it a daily bless­ing to see, smell, and expe­ri­ence the ocean. Her career choices includ­ed pro­fes­sion­al posi­tions in health­care and pub­lish­ing and owned a few small businesses.…

Staff Spotlight: Shayna Carreau

Staff Spotlight: Shayna Carreau

Staff Spot­light Shayna Carreau Shayna Carreau is an emerg­ing author in the fan­­ta­sy/s­­ci-fi genre. She founded the Please Die Writers Guild, a group that hosts writing work­shops. She is study­ing popular fiction with hopes of becom­ing a nov­el­ist while working a day job as an…

Staff Spotlight: Alexa Gallant

Staff Spotlight: Alexa Gallant

Staff Spot­light Allexa Gallant Alexa Gallant is a writer from Augusta, Maine. She grad­u­at­ed with her B.A. in Writing, Lit­er­a­ture, and Pub­lish­ing from Emerson College in 2021. Her plays have been pro­duced by the Maine Play­wrights Fes­ti­val, One-Minute Play Fes­ti­val, Maine Arts Academy, and the…

Staff Spotlight: Annie Wenstrup

Staff Spotlight: Annie Wenstrup

Staff Spot­light Annie Wen­strup Annie Wen­strup is a Dena’ina poet. Her work recent­ly appeared in About Place, Diode, Ecotone, The New England Review, Poetry, and Ran Off with the Star Bassoon and is forth­com­ing in Poets & Writers, and The Kenyon Review. Her poetry collection,…

Staff Spotlight: Adam Rodriquez-Dunn

Staff Spotlight: Adam Rodriquez-Dunn

Student Spot­light Adam Rodriquez-Dunn What do you write? Stories. At least, that’s what I need to tell myself in order to write anything—fiction, non­fic­tion, screen­play, even dabs of poetry. It all comes back to writing some sort of story in some sort of fashion in which…

Staff Spotlight: Julie Guerra

Staff Spotlight: Julie Guerra

What do you write? I write mostly non­fic­tion, usually short essays.    Is there an author or artist who has most pro­found­ly influ­enced your work? I read Marc Hamer’s memoir How to Catch a Mole at the right time and the right place. The book felt like…

Staff Spotlight: Nychelle Schneider

Staff Spotlight: Nychelle Schneider

What do you write? I write popular fiction, poetry, and analog game design. Is there an author or artist who has most pro­found­ly influ­enced your work? Authors who elevate BIPOC voices, such as Pam Pun­za­lan, a ttrpg game devel­op­er and author. Why did you choose Stonecoast for your MFA? Stonecoast helps me…

Staff Spotlight: Lea Smith

Staff Spotlight: Lea Smith

What do you write? If I don’t reg­u­lar­ly put pen to paper−or fingers to keys−all the frag­ments of stories and ideas would come spilling out on unsus­pect­ing passers­by.  In all seri­ous­ness, I have written in some way, shape, or form since I was very young. I…

Staff Spotlight: Jillian Rodseth

Staff Spotlight: Jillian Rodseth

Jillian Rodseth grew up in Bureau Junc­tion, Illi­nois, a tiny town sur­round­ed by rail­roads and canals, hills and ditches, rivers and ponds. She now lives in a 1800s era utopia on the prairie. She teaches English, directs theater, and writes fiction, poetry, and drama. She…