Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight: Meredith MacEachern

Staff Spotlight: Meredith MacEachern

Inter­view What do you write? I always liked urban and real­is­tic fantasy, and I’ve dabbled in post-apoc­­a­­lyp­tic, too. In recent years, though, I’ve become enmeshed in magical realism, which I think is my favorite genre to work in—looking back I see its influ­ence in a lot…

Staff Spotlight: John Christopher Nelson

Staff Spotlight: John Christopher Nelson

Inter­view What do you write? Any­thing and every­thing I find time for. I’m cur­rent­ly on a seventh draft of my first—so far—novel length work. But I also write cre­ative non­fic­tion, flash fiction, and short fiction. If you dig far enough back (don’t), you can find some…

Staff Spotlight: Peter Behravesh

Staff Spotlight: Peter Behravesh

Inter­view & Fea­tured Work Why did you choose Stonecoast? I wanted an MFA program that would nurture my passion for popular fiction while still pro­vid­ing a rig­or­ous aca­d­e­m­ic expe­ri­ence. Stonecoast is the only low-res­i­­den­­cy program that meets these cri­te­ria. Plus, I couldn’t resist the opportunity…

Staff Spotlight: Lew Andrada

Staff Spotlight: Lew Andrada

Inter­view Why did you choose Stonecoast? Simply put: I love writing popular fiction, and Stonecoast loves teach­ing it.  When I first began my quest to find the perfect MFA program, I was dis­heart­ened to learn that most of them frowned upon pop fic and catered solely…