
Staff Spotlight: Ron Bel Bruno

Staff Spotlight: Ron Bel Bruno

What do you write? My non-fiction and aut­ofic­tion (short stories) explore the prac­ti­cal fan­tasies of daily life: the per­sonas we create online, fam­i­lies inter­act­ing with demen­tia, and the con­stant­ly mor­ph­ing fan­ta­sia that is the Amer­i­can Dream.    Is there an author or artist who has most profoundly…



POETRY By Lucia Cherciu Temp­ta­tion: I find sandals for me when looking for gifts. Con­fu­sion: I buy two dresses for me when shop­ping for canning jars. Some claim gold has healing prop­er­ties; right, money helps. I research claims about the ben­e­fits of silver. Kissing of icons, silver chalice, silver…

Ode to the Geese

Ode to the Geese

POETRY By Sheila Black The year I spent a month in Denver vis­it­ing my daugh­ter in the eating dis­or­der hos­pi­tal the closest com­pan­ions were the geese who flocked the con­crete islands between the too-wide roads.   Some nights it was only fairy tales I understood:…

Scenarios Like These

Scenarios Like These

POETRY By Eric Abal­a­jon “I used to hang out just outside           the fence of Pearson Inter­na­tion­al, on week­ends with friends,         and bring binoc­u­lars. It became         a bad hobby imme­di­ate­ly after 9–11.”      …

Staff Spotlight: Halli Marshall

Staff Spotlight: Halli Marshall

What do you write? Fiction and screen­plays. Is there an author or artist who has most pro­found­ly influ­enced your work? I think my most lasting influ­ence has been R.L. Stein. There’s one Fear Street book where a guy is swim­ming in the ocean and the killer tries to…

Mouth Stuff

Mouth Stuff

DRAMATIC WORK   By KJ Stewart A play­ground. Recess. FOUGLAS (pro­nounced like“Douglas”) kicking wood chips around. CLEMENTINE under a slide pre­tend­ing to be a cat. FOUGLAS throws a wood chip at her. CLEMENTINE: That hurts. FOUGLAS: It’s because I like you. I found a Mouth in the Woods.…

Beautiful Swimmers

Beautiful Swimmers

CREATIVE NONFICTION By Jocelyn Heath My father calls to tell me that he has to give up swim­ming. His shoul­ders started aching awhile back, but he went on swim­ming until the pain buried itself so deep in his joints, espe­cial­ly at night, that he went…

Stonecoast Review Submissions Are Open

Stonecoast Review Submissions Are Open

Sub­mis­sions for Stonecoast Review Issue 19 are now OPEN. Send us your lit­er­ary fiction, genre fiction, cre­ative non­fic­tion, poetry, visual art, dra­mat­ic works, and exper­i­men­tal works. Read our full guide­lines here for specifics. Pre­vi­ous issues of Stonecoast Review are just as impor­tant as the guidelines.…

Submissions to Open February 5th

Submissions to Open February 5th

Stonecoast Review will be opening to sub­mis­sions on Feb­ru­ary 5th. Sub­mis­sions will close on April 5th. Reading our guide­lines is an excel­lent way for poten­tial sub­mit­ters to under­stand the essen­tials of what we’re looking for and how to send us your work. We pride our­selves on…

combat: peace

combat: peace

POETRY By Jonathan Pessant  a med­i­ta­tion on the      passing of Thich Nhat Hanh   five novices kneel five recruits sit   ten heads are shaved basic    for train­ing   recit­ing ten pre­cepts oathing seven values   trans­form all suf­fer­ing         obey all orders   are you part…