
Stonecoast Review Issue 17

Stonecoast Review Issue 17

Stonecoast Review Issue 17 is avail­able for pur­chase here. You can also visit the link on the “archive” page. We are exceed­ing­ly proud of this issue, which con­tains poems, screen­writ­ing, short stories, and more. But no matter the format, the tales told in Stonecoast Review…



By Bill Cook  I move in the pond, my arms too heavy to lift. I feel the spray from my older sister’s squirt-gun hitting me in the face. She’s fifteen and has a boyfriend before dad puts his foot down. She won’t talk to me about…



by Jenny Hykes Jiang I live in a house of dish clatter, coal smoke, rust-colored salve, plas­ticine praying hands and sheets bleached with sun­light, smelling of lye. I live in a house of my mother and my mother’s mother and her mother. Their red sea, moon and…



Story by Lyndon Nicholas.  Image by Patrick Hendry. Douen I heave it out of me, through the stomach, the intes­tine, the throat, the mouth. It comes out in waves of fabric covered in stomach fluids, flowing, balling up into a knot on the floor, darkening…

Wanaksink Lake

Wanaksink Lake

By Rachel Marie Pat­ter­son I haul away cedar drawers soaked with mouse urine, scrub the kitchen with mint oil, while my daugh­ters run head­long toward rusted nails. In this house, I dream of deer ticks and stable flies, the back door propped open, minia­ture blonde heads facedown…

(juosta) Stalin Hung Us

(juosta) Stalin Hung Us

by Ron Riekki My father showed me a photo of bodies hanging, pointed, pointed again, said, That’s us; I didn’t know what he meant. That, he said, would have been us. Except we were here now, the north north­ern woods of the north so north…

The Pushcart Prize Volume XLVII

The Pushcart Prize Volume XLVII

Stonecoast Review is excited to announce Nancy Connors’ poem “To Cig­a­rettes”  has been select­ed to appear in The Push­cart Prize Volume XLVII (2023 edition), sched­uled for pub­li­ca­tion in Novem­ber. “To Cig­a­rettes” was orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in Stonecoast Review Issue 14. Con­grat­u­la­tions to Nancy Connors on this incredible…

Cara Hoffman’s RUIN and the Art of Looking Closely

Cara Hoffman’s RUIN and the Art of Looking Closely

Inter­view by Linda Mahal Cover photo by Con­stance Faulk Stonecoast Faculty Member Cara Hoffman is the author of Running, a New York Times Edi­tor’s Choice, an Esquire Mag­a­zine Best Book of the Year, and an Autostrad­dle Best Queer and Fem­i­nist Book of the Year. She first received nation­al atten­tion in 2011 with the pub­li­ca­tion of…



By Ben Boege­hold   the prin­ci­ple was this to cut away the useless to cast it off to render the fat and cleave the meat from bone the quick from the dead perhaps though truth is not as simple as a butcher’s job maybe we cannot take the mystery…



By Christo­pher Lin­forth A stand of cherry blossom trees lined the garden of my child­hood home. My parents always said that the explo­sion of pink had sold them on the house. By the time they split up a few years later, when I was thir­teen, disease had…