Stonecoast Review

The Literary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA

Colloquy For The States
-after Archibald MacLeish (1939)

By Nina Barufaldi

There’s talk, says Illinois 


There’s always talk, says Alaska 


There’s talk on the east wind, says Illinois 


Talk about what? says South Dakota, says Kansas, says Arkansas 


Something’s rising in the clouds, says Michigan 


The corn’s point­ing east, says Ohio 


Too noisy, New York says, can’t tell 


East, yes, says Con­necti­cut, I’m sure 


It’s Down East alright, says Massachusetts 


It’s here, says Maine 

Bells, no, sirens 


What? says Texas 


Here Here? says Virginia 


No, here. Wish it wasn’t, says Maine 

But sure as the tides 

Sure as logs in the Penobscot 


Speak up, says Oregon 


What is it? says Kentucky 


Can’t tell, says Maine 

Sea’s churned up 

Leaves are rustling 

Wait, there it is Sirens Tears in the Androscoggin 


Those, says Mississippi 


Maybe it ain’t, says Texas 


Heard’em two decades ago, says Colorado 


Fibs, says Maine 

Can’t believe it 


Think you’re any dif­fer­ent? says Alabama 


It’s sad talk, says Maine, bad talk 

Not worth repeatin’ 

Wish it was the Rhine again, I do 

I don’t


Digame, says California. 


Maybe they’ll listen now, says Louisiana 


Say it proper, says Connecticut 


Out with it, says New Hamp­shire, I’ll pick your pota­toes, I’ll fish your traps 


Gather we’re stove up, says Maine 

Shots near the Twins 

18 gone, maybe more 

Tears in the Androscog­gin, and it’s runnin’ high 


So, says Alabama. 


That Sién­tate, says Florida 


Can’t, says Maine. Need to stand 

Gotta pace it out. Figure it out 


Can’t be done, says Illinois 


Just because it hasn’t been done, 

don’t mean it can’t be done, says Maine 


Don’t get it, says North Dakota, says Wyoming 


Start­ing to, says Vermont 


Maybe, if we do it, says Maine 


We’ve got to hunt, says New Hampshire 


So hunt, says Maine 


We’ve got to defend our­selves, says Texas 


Told you, says Illinois 


We’ve got rights, says West Virginia 


To live, says small voices from above, from high­chairs, from playgrounds 


This is the land of the free, says Idaho 


With freedom comes respon­si­bil­i­ty, says New York, says New Jersey, says Arizona 


Here, here, says Vir­ginia, says Pennsylvania 


Have we earned it? says Nebraska 


We could wait, says Kansas 


Been waitin’, says Con­necti­cut, says Cal­i­for­nia, says Col­orado, says Wash­ing­ton, says Ken­tucky, says Florida 


They’re dying at the black­boards, eating dinner, hitting spares and strikes, says Maine 


Lis­ten­ing to music, says Nevada, what are the odds 


Under their desks, says Texas 


Our own blood in the mountains, 

On the shores, In the valleys and fields, 

Jesus, sea to shining sea, says Wyoming 


It’s time, says Maine 

We’ll do it first 

Just follow the winds 

Coming from the north 

The sun from the east 


For the tears in the Androscog­gin, says Rhode Island 

For the tears in the Platte, the Con­necti­cut, and the Mis­sis­sip­pi, too 


Can’t wait any longer, says Maine 


Don’t wait, says Utah 


Togeth­er, says Oregon 


Sure as logs in the Penob­scot, says Maine 

Sure as the tides. 


This poem orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 21. 

Photo by Natalie Chaney

© 2024 Stonecoast Review. Indi­vid­ual copy­rights held by contributors.

The Stonecoast Review is the lit­er­ary journal of the Stonecoast MFA at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Maine.

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