I’m Receiving Postcards From Eve

I’m Receiving Postcards From Eve


By Sarah Dick­en­son Snyder

Post­marked in Santa Fe:

the sky is elec­tric blue with quiet 

clouds banked against the endless



From the West Coast:

an ocean is an ocean, 

water swelling forever.


Maybe she travels

for a new lan­guage. She knows

how to pro­nounce the past but wants

to learn more about orchards

farther south.


Across the border:

I’m finding my way 

to the ends of the earth.


She knows about endings

now. How we teeter

on the edge of here,

of not here.


She writes,

I love a slender moon.

This story orig­i­nal­ly appeared in Stonecoast Review Issue 19. Support local book­sellers and inde­pen­dent pub­lish­ers by order­ing a print copy of the mag­a­zine.

Photo by Conor Sexton.

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