Stonecoast Review Issue 17

Stonecoast Review Issue 17

Stonecoast Review Issue 17 is avail­able for pur­chase here. You can also visit the link on the “archive” page.

We are exceed­ing­ly proud of this issue, which con­tains poems, screen­writ­ing, short stories, and more. But no matter the format, the tales told in Stonecoast Review Issue 17 stir the heart and the imag­i­na­tion alike.

Allow us to quote direct­ly from the fore­word to Stonecoast Review Issue 17:

Nar­ra­tive has an unde­ni­able impact upon our reality. A swrit­ers and readers, we know this. The Covid-19 pan­dem­ic has not ended, despire what half-removed dis­tanc­ing stick­ers, empty hand san­i­tiz­er dis­pensers and lifted mask man­dates suggest. The reign­ing nar­ra­tive, per­pet­u­at­ed on an indi­vid­ual level by some and on a nation­al level by those in power, is that it has ended. It’s an under­stand­able desire to pretend it’s over; it’s been nearly three years since the pan­dem­ic began. This is the fufth issue of the review pub­lished during that time. But the truth that must be acknowl­edged is that the pan­dem­ic has not ended, nor have the rip­pling effects of the pan­dem­ic on the plan­et’s most vul­ner­a­ble people.

The work con­tained within this issue of the Stonecoast Review seeks to acknowl­edge the reality of our world: the ongoing pan­dem­ic, the leaked draft deci­sion to repeal the rights pro­vid­ed by Roe v. Wade [note: Roe v. Wade had not yet been over­turned when Issue 17 had been sent to print], Rus­si­a’s unpro­voked war against Ukraine, mass shoot­ings in public places, places of learn­ing, com­merce, and faith.

It was not entire­ly our inten­tion to craft an issue that spoke to such topics when we began. It coa­lesced with each accept­ed piece. In hind­sight, it is not entire­ly surprising–writers have always respond­ed to the state of the world and sought to pre­serve the truth of it. But the work con­tained within this issue goes beyodn acknowl­edge­ment on a global level, beyond just preser­va­tion. It acknowl­edges truth on an indi­vid­ual level, the loss, grief, deter­mi­na­tion and joy we have all expe­ri­enced in recent years. Acknowl­edge­ment and preser­va­tion are no longer enough, we must amplify the voices of those speak­ing. This issue of the review is seeking to do just that.

Keep reading. Keep writing.


The Stonecoast Review Edi­to­r­i­al Team

Photo by W. Goodwin.

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