Stonecoast Review

The Literary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA

- Issue 17, Summer 2022 -


Jen­nifer Lee

War Birds

Erin Jourdan

The Path of the Spine

Midge Raymond


Terence Patrick Hughes

Death Became Them

Cre­ative Nonfiction

David Blis­tein

The Power Beyond Now

Rina Palumbo

Old Things

Rachel Katz

Remembering the Women’s March

Dra­mat­ic Works

Ben Scran­ton

The End of Society

James Menges

Social Soliloquy

Amy Martin



Charles Carter


Jillian Hanson

Thing or No Thing

Thomas Osatchoff

The Terroir Where a Blue Whale Can Weigh as Much as

Ife­oluwa Ayandele

The Ghost at the Door

Linda Michel-Cassidy

Reclamation, The Astronaut Ages out

Tatiana Retivov


Jason Kahler

My Mom Cheats at Scrabble

Dina Folgia

if I leave my dad will too,
she, perihelion

Brit­tany Adames

I Met Jesus in Bushwick

Tatiana Retivov 

Hurricane Hazel, 1954

Jeffrey H. MacLachlan

Easter egg
Natasha’s Perfume

Jonathan Pessant

Combat: Peace

Gideon Emmanuel

A Nigerian Boy’s Body Graphics

Visual Art

W. Goodwin

Anhinga Dawn

Pru­dence DiBenedetto

Bedroom Window

W. Goodwin

Cow in Miner’s Diner

Lau­ralee Sikorski

Magnetic Nature

Whitney Ball

Plumb Lines

Hanna Webster


Whitney Ball

Unknown Depths