Stonecoast Review

The Literary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA

- Issue 19, Summer 2023 -


Laura Leigh Morris

About Leander

Dina Cox

Toy Surprise

William McDon­ald

Investing in a Jojo or Little Edgar

Steven Lang

Barb Refused to Burn

Mike Guerin

Too Far

Cre­ative Nonfiction

Kerry Neville


Nadja Maril

Back To School Night

Amy Schein­er

Driving with Janis Joplin

Rachael Hanel

How to Do Sirsasana (Headstand)

Tina Carson

Gender Defiant

Dra­mat­ic Works

Ayvaunn Penn

Why Ain’t a Grape a Berry?

Serena Norr


Popular Fiction

Sage Tyrtle

Perhaps That Person is You

Jennie Evenson 

Oh Death, Won’t You Spare me


Liam Strong

Pointillism in the Form of Virginity

Helena Steel

Joan and Jackie

Yael Valen­cia Aldana

Alien Poem #12

Justin Smulski


Kim­ber­ly Ann Priest

The Cheapest Free Adventures are Usually the Best

Andrew Payton


 Andrew Payton

Without Hearing Gunfire

Marisa Lainson

Mother’s Day Gift

Shannon Marzel­la

Lotus Eater

Michael Rogner

The Tomato Fields

Tamara Kreutz

What Nobody Told Us About Sex After the Baby

Summer Hardinge

After Reading Patricia Smith’s Top Tips: Ten Things About Poetry

Stephanie Kirby


Summer Hardinge

Without Metaphor

Russell Karrick

At Dusk

Kelly Gray

The Art of It

Jessica Good­fel­low


Ben­jamin Faro

Tropical Depression

Ben­jamin Faro

No Mouth

Sarah Dick­en­son Snyder

I’m Receiving Postcards From Eve

Terence Degnan

Dear President, my errant hand typed

Charles Byrne


Kellam Ayres

Third Shift