Stonecoast Review

The Literary Journal of the Stonecoast MFA

- Issue 21, Summer 2024 -


N. T. McQueen

Tell Me A Story

Jessica Klimesh

Not the Tulips I was Expecting

Zac Walsh

Thunderbird Boutique

Calla Orion

Fingers, Penny, Pocket

Emily Brown

Trouble Child

Cre­ative Nonfiction

Sandra Carlson Khalil

Cloud Seeding

Sydney Lea

What to do With Rage

Susan Conley

Sydney Lea: Champion of the Maine Storytelling Tradition

Cass Peter­son

Sir, Ma’am, Sorry

Tina Carson

Gender Defiant

Shawna Erwin

Sixteen Steps to Eating a Potato

Dra­mat­ic Works

Robert J. LeBlanc

Fallout: A Ballad of Peace and David Hasselhoff


Everything was Stories

Charles Hertz

Preexisting Condition

Tom Coash


Popular Fiction

Erin Jourdan

How I Get It Done

Arcadia C. Taylor



Rishona Michael

We Are Raw

Nina Bar­u­fal­di

Colloquy for the States — after Archibald MacLeish (1939)

Bonnie Markows­ki

Crescent Shaped Dents in the Palms of My Hands

Z! Hauke­ness

This is the Place


reader, i’m sorry if this image is now yours to carry too

Mary Rohrer-Dann

We Know That Our Emperors are Naked

Lizeth De La Luz

The Rio Grande

Richard Hamil­ton

Dear Moranda Smith

Visual Art

Ehsan Ahmed

Separated Together

Aaron Lelito

A Tap on the Shoulder

Paul Rabi­nowitz

Woman with Chair

Larena Nellies-Ortiz


Katie Hugh­banks

Peacock Color

Amy Marques

Watery Words

Juan­juan Henderson

Who Will Save Us

Larena Nellies-Ortiz

Spider Man

Ehsan Ahmed


Amy Marques


Dave Sims

Troubled by the News

Amy Marques

Time Vaults

Michelle Scott

Raven Peony Praise

Edward Gold­berg

Park Avenue Provocations

Ehsan Ahmed

Mist Blue

Ehsan Ahmed

Manual Labor

Edward Gold­berg


Roger Camp

Mannequin Legs Paris

Roger Camp

Male Mannequin Paris

Edward Gold­berg

Day of the Iguana

Jane Zich

Collateral Damage

Jane Zich

Children of War

Ehsan Ahmed

Boatman by the Sunrise

Michelle Scott

Rocks 7

Michelle Scott

Rocks 10 — Wonders Never Cease

Jim Ross

Veteran of Venice Beach